Ears do so much more than just hear sounds. They also help keep your balance and know where you are in space. When your ears are in good shape, you can communicate easily, enjoy your favourite tunes, and stay steady.

But here’s the thing: when ear problems pop up, they can throw a wrench into your lives. Issues like hearing loss, that annoying ringing sensation called tinnitus, pesky ear infections, and other related troubles can make it tough to have conversations, concentrate on tasks, and even bring on discomfort or pain.

Imagine how frustrating it would be if you couldn’t hear your favourite song or have a simple chat without struggling to understand. It can dampen your work, relationships, and overall happiness.

When to Visit an Ear Clinic

If you have ongoing ear issues like severe pain, trouble hearing, recurring infections, or fullness in the ears, it’s wise to visit an ear clinic. Professionals like ENT specialists there can accurately diagnose and treat your condition, preventing complications and improving your ear health. Seek urgent care for severe pain, sudden hearing loss, or ear injuries.

For bothersome symptoms like recurring infections, persistent ringing in the ears, or lasting changes in hearing, schedule an ENT clinic appointment to receive appropriate treatment and prevent long-term problems. Early intervention is key to maintaining good ear health and promptly addressing issues like the following ear problems.

Common Ear Conditions

Are you tired of dealing with annoying ear issues? Occasionally, some experience problems with their ears that can disrupt their daily lives. Whether it’s itching, pain, or difficulty hearing, ear conditions can be quite bothersome. So, to know what might be causing that persistent ear discomfort, check these common ear troubles.

Ear Infections

Ear infections are common and can affect different parts of the ear: outer, middle, and inner. Outer ear infections occur in the ear canal and are often called “swimmer’s ear.” Middle ear infections are common in children and usually happen when bacteria or viruses from the nose or throat reach the middle ear. Inner ear infections, less common but more serious, can affect hearing and balance.

Bacteria or fungi cause outer ear infections and result in pain, redness, and itchiness in the ear canal.

Middle ear infections often follow a cold or respiratory infection, causing ear pain, fluid drainage, and trouble hearing. Inner ear infections, usually caused by viruses, lead to dizziness, balance problems, and sometimes hearing loss.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Timely diagnosis and treatment of ear infections are crucial to prevent complications.

Untreated outer ear infections can worsen and spread, middle ear infections can cause temporary hearing loss in children and lead to more severe infections, and inner ear infections can result in ongoing balance issues and hearing loss.

Seeking medical help allows for proper diagnoses and appropriate treatment, such as antibiotics, eardrops, or other medications, leading to faster recovery and minimizing the risks associated with ear infections.


Tinnitus is characterised by the perception of ringing, buzzing, or hissing sounds in the ears without any external source. It’s like hearing a sound that others can’t hear. The sound can be continuous or intermittent and can vary in intensity. People often describe it as a high-pitched ringing or a low-level humming noise.

There are several common causes of tinnitus. One of the main causes is exposure to loud noise, such as attending a concert without ear protection or working in a noisy environment.

Age-related hearing loss occurs as people age and can also contribute to tinnitus. Additionally, certain medical conditions like ear infections, earwax blockage, Meniere’s disease, and high blood pressure can lead to tinnitus.

Diagnosis and Treatment

If you experience persistent or bothersome tinnitus, visiting an ear clinic is a good idea. Persistent tinnitus is when the sound in your ears lasts more than a few days or weeks, while bothersome tinnitus means the sound interferes with your daily activities or quality of life.

An ear clinic can help determine the underlying cause of your tinnitus and provide appropriate treatment or management options. They can also offer guidance on lifestyle changes or techniques to cope with tinnitus and reduce its impact on your well-being.

Wax Buildup

Earwax, also known as cerumen, is important in your ears.

It helps protect the ear canal by trapping dust, dirt, and other foreign particles, preventing them from reaching the delicate parts of the ear.

Normally, ears have a self-cleaning mechanism where old earwax gradually moves from the inside of the ear canal to the opening, where it naturally falls out or is washed away when you shower or bathe.

Excessive earwax buildup can occur for various reasons. Some people naturally produce more earwax than others, or their earwax may be stickier and have difficulty moving out of the ear canal.

Using cotton swabs or inserting objects into the ear can push the wax deeper and cause a blockage. Symptoms of excessive earwax buildup may include earache, hearing loss, a feeling of fullness in the ear, tinnitus, or even dizziness.

Diagnosis and Treatment

It’s important to be cautious when trying to remove earwax at home. Using cotton swabs or inserting objects into the ear can be risky and may push the wax deeper, potentially causing injury to the ear canal or eardrum.

It’s best to seek professional help if you have excessive earwax or if your symptoms bother you.

An ENT specialist can safely examine your ears, determine if there is a wax buildup, and perform appropriate earwax removal techniques.

Hearing Loss

There are three main types of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural, and mixed. Conductive hearing loss happens when a problem in the outer or middle ear prevents sound from reaching the inner ear. Earwax blockage, ear infections, or problems with the eardrum or the tiny bones in the middle ear can cause it.

Sensorineural hearing loss occurs due to damage to the inner ear’s delicate hair cells or auditory nerve problems.

It can be caused by ageing, exposure to loud noise, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions.

Mixed hearing loss is a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.

Several signs and symptoms may indicate hearing loss. These include difficulty understanding speech, frequently asking others to repeat themselves, turning up the volume on electronic devices, having trouble hearing in noisy environments, feeling like others are mumbling, and experiencing ringing or buzzing sounds in the ears (tinnitus).

Some people may also withdraw from social situations or have trouble following conversations.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Early intervention and appropriate management are crucial regarding hearing loss. Seeking help when you notice any signs of hearing loss is important because it allows for timely diagnosis and intervention.

A hearing evaluation by an ENT specialist can help determine the type and severity of your hearing loss.

Depending on the cause and extent, management options may include hearing aids, assistive listening devices, cochlear implants, or other rehabilitation strategies.

Addressing hearing loss early can improve communication, quality of life, and overall well-being.


That’s why caring for your ears and seeking help is important. Reach out to ear health professionals. They have the knowledge, skills, and tools to determine what’s happening with your ears and give the right treatments.

Whether it’s removing excess earwax, prescribing medication, fitting with a cool hearing aid, or even performing surgery if needed, these experts can help you get back on track. Keeping your ears in tip-top shape is vital for a happy and healthy life.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of an ear infection or any ear-related issues, schedule an appointment at a reputable ear clinic like Ghee ENT. Experienced professionals can provide the necessary care and guidance tailored to your needs. Don’t delay in taking action to protect your ear health. Book your appointment here.